About BeautyBoostr

Everyone deserves to experience the benefits of professional-grade skincare from the comfort of their own home

Since 2020

After three years of testing and perfecting our do-it-yourself (DIY) skincare treatments, our mission is to provide easy and accessible skincare solutions that deliver real, measurable results.

Our Story

Empowerment through self care

Nadia Gonzales and I crossed paths in 2020, driven by a shared mission to create and elevate existing DIY face massage programs. Nadia, with over a decade of professional spa experience, had dedicated two years to meticulously testing these programs before sharing them with the world. Her expertise was the spark that ignited the idea of a DIY face massage club, designed to make every woman feel truly special.

🌼 On my end, I’ve always been passionate about crafting practical products that deliver tangible results with ease. Collaborating with Nadia in my role as a product methodologist, I recognized that our creation wasn’t just a tool – it was a gateway to women’s “me-time,” an infusion of energy, self-love, and rejuvenation.

Feeling beautiful shouldn’t be a luxury

We believe that self-care should be easy, convenient, and fun. That’s why we’ve designed our app to provide a variety of massage techniques, skincare routines, and product recommendations in a user-friendly and intuitive format.

Our Mission

At our core, we strive to offer a skincare and face care solution that is not only truthful and secure, but also universally accessible. We believe in simplifying and empowering skincare for everyone, because we understand the importance of feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin.

Our Vision

Our ultimate goal is for skincare to become a powerful tool of self-care, offering women fast and effective results, especially for skin problems that require professional involvement. Our vision is for every individual to feel amazing, with boosted energy levels and a newfound love for themselves.

ready to get started?

Download now and be among the first to experience the ultimate solution for beautiful, refreshed skin

All content and intellectual property rights reserved. © 2024 YoungMe.inc

The ultimate app for busy women who prioritize self-care and strive for beautiful, refreshed skin is launching in September!

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